Monday 18 April 2011


Tutorial created for a project

While doing this I had to learn the new software inside out so that I could give a full in depth tutorial that others could follow. this would also broaden my knowledge, enabling me to use it in future instances.

How to use 3D Coat to retopologize your 3D model for Maya or Max

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Learning about how to use gant charts to map out time

Gant Chart

Click to Zoom in

Summery from Projects throughout the year

Final thoughts Ani0906

Ok, so this is what I'm thinking by the end of our project.

Am I happy with the final outcome?

Kind of..


It could look 10 times better than it does.

Is there anything I would change? YES!

I would have taken out the entire point of view of the rat. Not because it was a bad idea but because the animation was rush in 2 days. That could of been used for rendering and perfecting any odd bits in the final render. A pan view through our street looking at the different features would have looked so much better as well as showing off the good work we did to it's maximum.

As it is, I feel the animation is waaaaay to fast and you can't take in any of the scenery. It just seems like a confusing blur to me as it is. I advised that we scrap the whole rat point of view just because it wasn't practical in the time we had left but it wasn't dropped and I honestly think it has let down alot of our hard work.

The only part that really works in my opinion is when the rat stops at the stalls and has a little look around. Other than that, I have to honestly say I feel kind of disappointed

One last thing as well. The rat gets really close to the building I textured and because of this, a texture overlay I put on the normal paintwork of the building looked pix-elated which annoyed me..The main reason I was annoyed?

Mine was the only house that was seen this close so I looks like my building wasn't well textured with hi-resolution images, which isn't the case. I guess what's done is done and all I can do is accept and improve.

Conclusion: I think we made a really impressive environment, with great models, textures and lighting, but it was spoilt by unnecessary animation.

Poco model Ani09205

(Watch in HD)

So here it is. My concept of the character Pocahuntas Billiams. I'm quite pleased with it but at the same time I wish I had a little more time on it to figure a few things out. One thing that I think has annoyed me the most is trying to get it to rig properly.

Overview, Review and conclusion of work done and group as a whole. Ani09204

I will start of with my role within the group had been selected as followed:

Gerome - Modeller, Sound, Compositing, Rendering

I looked forward to this as it was one of my stronger points as well as knowing I would be able to learn more about it as I was progressing through the project. As seen, I have looked at a abundance of tutorials and step by step explanations of how to get my models looking as good as possible but with the least render time possible which lead me into displacement maps. With the knowlage that my low poly objects, after being scuplted in Mudbox, could be projected as the high poly version during render in Maya I introduced Deon to the bonuses and he learnt about it strait away, using Mudbox to paint as well.

I also gathered some sound clips and effects from a free sound clip website. Myself and Deon arranged these for the compilation while we composited the entire film together late at night using After Effects and Sony Vegas:

Over all I'm upset and annoyed with the 3 members of the group. we could have got this looking even better than it is but because people wanted to slack and choose priorities such as staying at home or going to work, over a full time Uni course, we had no work done when it was needed. This lead to once again, me and Deon staying up till 4 in the morning doing other peoples jobs for them. Ash would also miss he late shifts at work staying in with us.

When deadlines were set in the group, no one wanted to listen and abide to them which lead the whole process to be allot longer and more stressful than it needed to be. Over all, we got it done, but if I'm honest? This could have been avoided if A. People just did what there roles were and B. If they couldn't do it, for what ever reason, tell us so we may be annoyed, but at least we have time to do it. Don't make us rush at the very end of the project because you can't get off your ass to do more than 1 piece of "work".

Also once again issues such as a member of the group being upset because she wanted to render everything on her mac book when both me and Deon have £2,200 - £2,600 machines and it took us 3 - 4 days to render the lot. I feel some people just don't think ahead, they just think in the now, and believe that the standard (how ever low it may be) is OK, and when shouldn't strive to be higher.

I'm happy with our outcome, but I put that down to Hard work and effort from Me, Deon, Ash and Dom.